Rebecca Horn
Raven´s Choice, 2009-2014Glass, steel, feathers, shoes, plasticine, goose eggs, wire, paint, pencils, motor, rods162.5 × 101 x 31.5 cm
64 × 39 ¾ × 12 ½ in
Further images
Raven's Choice is a kinetic sculpture developed by Rebecca Horn between 2009 and 2014. The work presents a composition in and around a glass box containing various objects, including a...Raven's Choice is a kinetic sculpture developed by Rebecca Horn between 2009 and 2014. The work presents a composition in and around a glass box containing various objects, including a pair of black Chinese shoes, feathers, eggs, and pens. The group of glass boxes, the first examples of which were created in the 1980s and were not motorized, now comprises some 90 boxes and thus represents an important complex of works by Rebecca Horn. The three-part Kafka cycle from 1994 is one of her most famous vitrines.
The vitrines comment on world literature, history, and aesthetic programs, but are independent in their effect, conveying their meaning through choreography, atmosphere, and dramaturgy. The enclosed space plays an important role in Horn's films, fulfilling various human desires. AK24Raven’s Choice
ist eine kinetische Skulptur, die Rebecca Horn zwischen 2009 und 2014
entwickelt hat. Das Kunstwerk zeigt eine Komposition in und um eine Glasvitrine
mit verschiedenen Objekten. Dazu gehören ein Paar schwarze chinesische Schuhe,
Federn, Eier und Stifte. Die Werkgruppe der Glaskästen, deren erste Exemplare
in den 1980er Jahren entstanden und nicht motorisiert waren, umfasst bis heute
rund 90 Kästen und stellt damit einen wichtigen Werkkomplex von Rebecca Horn
dar. Der dreiteilige Kafka-Zyklus von 1994 ist einer ihrer bekanntesten Kästen.
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