Past Exhibitions In The Gallery exhibition
Bees' Planetary Map, 1998
21 straw baskets, wire, motors, broken mirror disk, broken glass, metal rods, wooden stick, stone, sound, lights
dimensions variable
Conceived during the height of the Balkans war, which forcibly displaced millions across the region, Bees' Planetary Map captures themes of dislocation, uprootedness and fractured movement. Empty beehives fill the...
Conceived during the height of the Balkans war, which forcibly displaced millions across the region, Bees' Planetary Map captures themes of dislocation, uprootedness and fractured movement. Empty beehives fill the space with the haunting buzz of a wandering swarm of bees. Honey-yellow light streams from the suspended baskets, which is in turn reflected off of round, rotating mirrors and projected across walls and ceilings. At regular intervals of two-and-a-half minutes, a stone attached to a mechanical winch falls from the ceiling and shatters one of the mirrors. Spinning splinters of mirror chase panicked scraps of light across the room. Struggling towards the center, searching for protection and security, fearing for freedom and belonging – these are the central human themes in Rebecca Horn's work.
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