Rebecca Horn
Kiss of the Rhinoceros, 1989steel construction, aluminum, motors and electronic device391 x 524 x 60 cm
154 x 206 1/3 x 23 2/3 in更多图片
'The Kiss of the Rhinoceros is a characteristic Horn mix of sexuality, humor, ritual and danger. Its thin steel and aluminum tubes form a circle divided into two equal parts,..."The Kiss of the Rhinoceros is a characteristic Horn mix of sexuality, humor, ritual and danger. Its thin steel and aluminum tubes form a circle divided into two equal parts, each one crowned by a metal replica of horn. Slowly the arcs pull apart. When they are as far apart as they can get, they become a drawing of buttocks or breasts. Then Horn's […] arcs inch back together. When the tips meet, the arcs merge and become a circle. Then, three times, their union sends off sparks." – Michael Brenson
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